Swartzbier from April 2021 meeting

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Swartzbier from April 2021 meeting

Post by ctninh »

To Bob, who asked very nicely. This is an extract recipe that I brought to Gunwhale in Orange.

All ingredients from Windsor Brewing, Anaheim.

Breiss CBW Munich LME, 3.3 lb (entire canister)
Breiss CBW Pilsen Light DME, 3 lb
4 oz carafa II
6 oz Caramel 40L
6 oz chocolate
4 oz roasted barley
2 oz acidulated

Steep specialty grains @ room temp water (5.25 gal) for 45 mins. Remove grains and bring to a boil. Remember to add 1st wort hops. Stir in extract.

23 IBUs (Tinseth), Northern Brewer hops, 7.50 % AA
0.50 oz, 1st wort (right after steeping grains, while heating to a boil.)
0.25 oz @ 30 min
0.25 oz @ 10 min

2 drops FermCap into boil
Yeast nutrient and irish moss used

Lutra Kveik yeast, 1 pack

5.25 gal volume into fermenter
Before boil grav - 1.050
OG - 1.052
FG - 1.013

Fermented ambient in Feb.
Gelatin used for clarity.
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