BJCP/Cicerone/beer judge group

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BJCP/Cicerone/beer judge group

Post by ctninh »

Hi all. There's a lot of buzz about people interested in this. If you want to be a judge, go the Cicerone route, or be a better beer taster, then this group is for you. If you want to understand more about beer and flavor descriptors, feel free to come along. If you like drinking beer and not bugging people who are serious about this, you are invited too.

Some ideas for tasting are:
-Order same flights at breweries and judge there
-Off flavor tasting – buy a kit (Siebel or Aroxa) + beer
-Meet at someone’s place and bring beers
--We can get the commercial beers from Zymurgy and see how we compare to judges
-Judge our own homebrew

Some things you will need are:
-Pencil (non-wood) or pen
-BJCP 2015 Beer Style guideline or the app “BJCP 2015 Beer Styles” (the app has a pint icon with horizontal bars of beer colors).

I am cool with planning meetings. These will be beer places/breweries around OC. They will be outside of club meetings (unless we meet before meetings).

If anyone is interested, please reply. I would like to see if a group is interested. Feel free to spread the word to those outside the club.

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Re: BJCP/Cicerone/beer judge group

Post by Megastout »

I am interested
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Re: BJCP/Cicerone/beer judge group

Post by Mosaic1492 »

Bob is interested as well.
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Re: BJCP/Cicerone/beer judge group

Post by Megastout »

A thought, we could also do it for people that want to go to LA brewery tour Nov 16th that Bob is organizing.
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Re: BJCP/Cicerone/beer judge group

Post by bwarbiany »

We did something similar a few years ago as several people were studying for BJCP. Given how busy people are and how hard it is to get a time for 7-8 people to get together for tasting, we used things like Skype or Google Hangouts and did it remotely.

Basically people just all bought the same commercial style examples independently, but we did the tasting and scoring together via video chat.

Some things, like sensory analysis kits, need to be done together on-site. But a lot of the other tasting and judging aspects don't require it.

Something to consider...
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Re: BJCP/Cicerone/beer judge group

Post by ctninh »

Thanks for the info.

I plan to show up at Brewery X about an hour before the meeting start time. They have tasters there. Anyone interested can come by early.
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Re: BJCP/Cicerone/beer judge group

Post by ctninh »

Attached is a word bank from a BJCP class I took. It's all yours. It is from Grand Master II, Jim Wilson (also an exam director). It helped me way too much. Print or download a copy for yourselves.
Lexicon v2.2.docx
Jim Wilson lexicon
(20.94 KiB) Downloaded 310 times
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