Does anyone bottle anymore?

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Does anyone bottle anymore?

Post by gromitdj »

If you still bottle, and need some extra bottles, I've got about 130 bottles that I need to get rid of. they are all clean and without labels (for the most part). I just cleaned out my bottles and the only reason that I am getting rid of these is that I have too many, so I'm tossing the ones that have brewery Identifiers on them. The majority of them are from New Belgium and Sam Adams. But there are also some Stone, Red Hook, and a couple of Bass bottles.

If there are no takers, I guess I'll go get my 5 cent deposit back. At least it would pay for the yeast in my next batch. :D

Edit: I'm located in Orange, near the circle. So just let me know here or by e-mail gromitdj (at)
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Re: Does anyone bottle anymore?

Post by backhousebrew »

I still bottle most of the beer I brew.
I give a lot of it to friends and family.
My supply of bottles has been getting lower lately.
If you still have them, I should probably re-stock.
I'll email you my contact info
Thanks for posting !
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Re: Does anyone bottle anymore?

Post by gromitdj »

Cool, they are yours if you want them. I sent you an e-mail with my address and phone #.
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